
Thursday, November 17, 2011

Tastefully Simple..

Last night I had a Tastefully Simple party.  Though this was not your typical party it was a fund raiser.  Prior to diagnosis, I never had any type of party.  I went to them all the time but really had no interest in doing them.  All that has changed now.  I will have parties or whatever to raise money for diabetes.  I have been blessed to find people that are willing to host a party for me and then donate ALL their commission to JDRF, really amazing people!

Tastefully Simple has AWESOME easy to make products.  Think about Christmas coming up and how they would make wonderful gifts.  These make great gifts for teacher or really anyone- after all we all have to eat right?  :)   Your order will be delivered before Christmas.  There is also still time to place an order for my party and have the money donated to JDRF.  Ordering is really easy and secure.  To order please go to place whatever items you want into your cart.  Then at the check out please search for my name Kelly Harp so we get credit for the party and the money will go to JDRF.

I really do all appreciate all that came out last night and all that placed an order online. I can't say thank you enough!  Brianna always feels so special that everyone comes for her and to support her!  After all it is all for her, to raise money so hopefully one day she and everyone else with Type 1 will not have diabetes!

I will be having a 31 Gifts Party early next month.  If you know any other good fund raising ideas please let me know.  I am dedicated to raising money until a cure is found!!

And again THANK YOU!!!

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